Below is our Entire In-Depth Roadmap with our current plans for the entire Project to help Our Community Understand where we are Collectively headed!
We will be making adjustments accordingly and are subject to change*.
We will keep our community informed on any announcements and Adjustments For Our Long Term Plans.
Community Building
We Are no rug pull… we’re committed to this for the long haul. This means our expansion depends on word of mouth from our fellow Splatters! Engaging in the community happens within social media pages listed. Feel free to join our community early-on while we continue to grow together; we’re learning as we go along like you!
Besides teasing some upcoming Splatters & holder benefits, our small team is committed and will be constantly engaged with our community to keep them informed with latest updates, announcements, and roadmap activations.
Whitelisting & Presale*
By staying updated early-on with Splatter you’re rewarded access to the presale whitelist by entering your required credentials in the form listed on our site. Once the presale is open, you will be able to early mint your Paint-Can which will reveal your unique Splatter at a later set date.
Our team has sacrificed a lot of time, effort, and funds to make our community possible! Once we make back our initial investment, we will immediately pump our earnings back into our project to help build the Splatter community!
Promotional Unlocks (Holder Posters)
We have a lot of plans! Our Splatter whitelisters and long-term holders* will be granted access to custom digital and physical posters made by 6SENSE Art of the unique Splatter they own.
(Original Splatter Mint Transaction Required)
AirDrop Giveaways
There are Splatter cans scattered all over the moon…but a select few are a little different than the rest. For our first AirDrop, We will be sending out to select holders an exclusive paint can, that doubles as your key for our major q4 community event!
Exclusive QR Code Unlock
Splatter is a direct branch of 6SENSE Art. With that being said: one of our promotional events is jointed together for individuals and holders to stay in touch with the physical aspect of modern artworks, while enjoying todays gold rush of DIGITAL media & Currency. You will be able to purchase listed/upcoming physical 6SENSE Artwork mediums such as canvas, posters, woodwork, and more! Specific pieces will feature a QR Code which will be directly linked to an exclusive Splatter NFT!
Visual Events (Animations, Splatter Shorts)
Following up with our radio station on our YouTube channel, we will be making animated shorts of Splatters, stay in tune with our community to possibly get your Splatter featured in our shorts and gifted that short as its own Splatter NFT Moment! 6SENSE will also be publishing Unrelated content for the community to enjoy!
The Bunker
The ultimate event for Splatter has been in front of your eyes the entire time! The bunker door nearby the Splatter Dome will be unlocked to select holders with their Splatter Can they received via Airdrop or resold from the market. Note: Only Splatter Can Holders are granted access to the Bunker. Stay in touch with our community to stay up to date with our latest updates on the Bunker.
Online Store+Merchandise
We are looking to implement Splatter/6SENSE merchandise on our website for our holders and long term investors. Based off our success, we will branch out and expand as much as possible beyond our typical merchandise, while asking the community for ideas and advice!
Future Activations
Classified Future Event